Creating Positive Impact Through Wellbeing Assessments

In creating a new approach to wellbeing assessment at TU Delft, we didn’t just want to measure needs, we wanted to help the university do something about those needs. So, what kind of real-world changes have now taken place?  After presenting to the university board of directors, we are happy to share several top-down policy changes. There have also been many smaller-scale community initiatives; for instance, this instagram campaign for supporting student home environments.

For both students and staff, new wellbeing resources have been created or revised. Student counselling services have now developed better guidance on how to seek mental care help on campus. The gym center developed an initiative to help students to have a collective physical start to the day. As our qualitative results revealed the special challenges for graduating students, a new pilot is helping support a weekly student wellbeing check-in for these students. And, on the staff side, resources have been provided to improve the home office. Finally, the university now has a policy to gather wellbeing data from students and staff on a quarterly schedule.

We will continue to listen — and do our best to translate wellbeing needs into community action.


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